Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Moroni's Review of "Hotel Transylvania"

I took my kids to the movies over Fall Break, and I let them pick the movie.  They picked "Hotel Transylvania".  So off we went.  I usually don't have high expectations for these types of movies.  Little did I know that this is an Adam Sandler movie, disguised in animation.  (No, we didn't see the 3D version.)

What this means is that there was plenty of humor that only adults would get, and it was chock full of references meant to tickle the fancy of parents who are drug by their kids to see a cartoon.  I like it when they do this in movies.  This ensures that both the parents and the kids have something they will enjoy, a little something for everyone. 

Adam Sandler plays Dracula, who is a widower.  He builds a resort for monsters where they can get away from the threat of humans.  The movie opens up with Dracula preparing for the 118th birthday of his teenage daughter, Mavis (played by Selena Gomez).  Mavis yearns to see the human world, but Dracula is an overprotective dad and creates an entire Potemkin Village for her populated with his zombie servants masquerading as "scary humans".  The purpose is to dissuade her from leaving.  In the meantime, all of their monster friends arrive at the resort to help celebrate the birthday.  Everything is thrown into chaos when a human backpacker named Johnny (played by Andy Samberg) shows up.  Dracula disguises him as a monster until he can figure out a way to get rid of him.  Of course, Mavis and Johnny become drawn to each other.

The movie is pretty simple, so there is no need to philosophize about this piece.  It is entertaining and has a wonderful cast of comedians.  There are plenty of gags.  But it was a hit with the kids.  My kids went home for days, quoting, "Blah, blah, blah!"

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